Click here for a list of my other Pulaski/Rockcastle/Laurel County KY articles
[May 12, 1891] -
Cousins Quarrel Over a Money Transaction--One is Shot to Death.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 12.--A special from Mount Vernon, Ky., says: Near Wildie, this county, Sunday afternoon George Hays shot his cousin Thomas Hayes three times from which the latter died yesterday morning. The parties had been at outs over a settlement about some corn.
When they met, Tom advanced on and was abused George, and made a demonstration as if to draw as if to draw a weapon. A shot was fired and Tom fell to the ground. He arose and advanced upon George, saying: "You have not killed me yet." Another shot followed and Tom went down again, and again he arose with the remark: "You have not got me yet." He still advanced, running George through the house, when the latter fired a parting shot as he ran. This shot also took effect. Two bullets had pierced his bowels and one entered his chest. Hayes surrendered. The dead man leaves a wife and three children. [1]
[May 15, 1891] -

[May 19, 1891] -

[May 22, 1891] -

Near Wilde, Rockcastle county, Geo. and Thos. Hays, cousins, quarreled over a bill of corn, and the latter was shot and killed. [4]
[1] "Brutal Murder." Jackson Citizen Patriot, Jackson, MI. May 12, 1891. Page 2.
[2] Excerpt from "Mt. Vernon, Rockcastle County." Semi-Weekly Interior Journal, Stanford, KY. May 15, 1891. Page 1. LOC.
[4] Excerpt from "State Sunshine and Shadow." The Hazel Green Herald, Hazel Green, KY. May 22, 1891. Page 1.
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