[February 1, 1897] -
John Cooley Shot and Killed by Cully Dalton at Somerset.
Somerset, Jan. 31.-- Cully Dalton, aged 22, yesterday afternoon shot and instantly killed John Cooley, a section hand, in a saloon fight at this place. Both were drunk. Dalton was arrested and is now in jail charged with murder. Cooley and Dalton were neighbors and lived a short distance west of Somerset. An old grudge is said to have been the cause of the trouble. [1]
[February 2, 1897] -
--John Cooley, a son of Bill Cooley, who lives on Neals Creek in this county, was shot and instantly killed by Kelley Dalton in Cain's saloon in Somerset. Both parties were drinking, but the killing was the result of a grudge which had existed for some time. Dalton was arrested and is now in jail at Somerset. Cooley was a section hand, about 24 years old and besides a wife, leaves a young child. He was a clever man when sober, but often drank to excess. His wife was a Miss Camden, of Pulaski county. Immediately after the killing our clever friend, Deputy Collector J. M. Carter, sent us the news and further information was obtained later. [2]
[February 2, 1897] -
Somerset, Feb. 1.--John Cooley, a section hand on the railroad at this point, was shot and instantly killed yesterday evening in Cain's saloon by Cal Dalton, a young man who works at odd jobs about town. Dalton immediately gave himself up and is now in jail. It is claimed by the prisoner's friends that the dead man was brandishing a knife and running Dalton around the stove, who fired twice to defend himself. [3]
[February 16, 1897] -
[March 30, 1897] -
Cally Dalton, who killed John Cooley, formerly of this county, was indicted for murder by the Pulaski county grand jury and his trial set for yesterday. [5]
[April 6, 1897] -
Cally Dalton, who killed John Cooley, from this county, at Somerset, got a hung jury at his trial last week, which stood 10 for 21 years and two for acquittal according to the Reporter and five for hanging, five for 21 years and two for acquittal according to the Paragon. [6]
[1] "In A Saloon Fight." Morning Herald, Lexington, KY. February 1, 1897. Page 2.
[2] "Killed In A Saloon." Semi-Weekly Interior Journal, Stanford, KY. February 2, 1897. Page 3. LOC.
[3] "Somerset Killing." Morning Herald, Lexington, KY. February 2, 1897. Page 2.
[4] Excerpt from "Home News." Semi-Weekly Interior Journal, Stanford, KY. February 16, 1897. Page 3. LOC.
[5] Semi-Weekly Interior Journal, Stanford, KY. March 30, 1897. Page 1. LOC.
[6] Semi-Weekly Interior Journal, Stanford, KY. April 6, 1897. Page 1. LOC.
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